

♥Junglee Rummy 21♥


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rummy game

Some Instances of Calculations for Value Cards


Some Instances of Calculations for Value Cards:

Value cards in handTotal points from other players (not including dropped players)
Two Up Jokers30 points
One Up Joker and One Down Joker20 points
Two Up Jokers and One Down Joker40 points
Two Jokers (same suit) and Two Down Jokers60 points
One same suit Joker, One Down Joker and One Up Joker100 points

The Formula for Total Score That a Player Gets Is as Follows:

Total score = Points won (Positive for winning player and negative for non-winning players) + Points received for value cards (from players except the dropped ones) – Points given for value cards (to players except the dropped ones)

Some Terms Used in The Game

To begin with the rudiments of the game, it is crucial that you comprehend the essential lingo used in the game:

Tunnela or London: A Tunnela (or London) is composed of three matching cards. For example, 5♥ 5 ♥ 5 ♥ is a Tunnela. A joker beside two identical cards, such as 6 ♦ 6 ♦ Q ♦ (Where Q ♦ is a joker) cannot be regarded as a valid combination. Three printed jokers put collectively to form a Tunnela is considered to be valid. A Tunnela is a pure sequence in 21 card rummy.

Dublee: A Dublee is when two similar cards are set together - for example 7 ♥ 7 ♥. Any card along with a joker, such as 8 ♦ K ♦ (Where K ♦ is a joker) does not make an acceptable Dublee. Two printed jokers can be clustered together to form a valid Dublee. A player having eight Dublees in hand in 21 card rummy is qualified to declare. A player having six Dublees in hand in 21 card rummy, when another player declares, will lose only 2 points.

Toss: To decide which player will make the first move, Toss is used. Each player is given a card at random and the player with the maximum face value card is chosen as the winner of the toss.

Seat Shuffling: The seats of the players are rearranged depending on the Toss. The player with the maximum face value card makes the first move and the one with the lowest is the last one to play. The seats are also set with this in mind. If a player leaves/joins a table, a toss card is given out to each player in the next game and the seating order is rearranged depending on the toss.

Dealer: Based on the Toss, the person getting the lowest value card becomes the dealer.

Joker: A Joker is utilized instead of other cards to meld sequences and sets. It is chosen at random at the beginning of the game.

E.g.: 6 ♥ 5 ♠ 8 ♥ is a sequence where 5 ♠ is the joker and is used in place of 7 ♥.

Upper Joker and Lower Joker: The cards, which are one rank over and under the cut joker of the same suit, are recognized as the upper and lower joker in that order. These jokers can be made use of, to fill in for any other card.

For E.g.: If 4 ♠ is the cut joker then 3 ♠ is the lower joker and 5 ♠ is the upper joker.

Note: The combination of upper joker, lower joker and the cut joker cannot make a valid sequence, in any case.

Printed Joker: When the printed joker is chosen as the joker for the game, then the players are permitted to employ the aces from any suit as jokers in their sequences.

Sequence: A sequence consists of 3 or more running cards of the same suit. E.g.: 5♥ 6 ♥ 7♥.

Pure Sequence: A pure sequence is a sequence without a Joker. Exception - 8♥ 9♥10 ♥ is a pure sequence even if 8 is the joker.

Set: 3 or more cards of the same face value make up a set. E.g.: 8 ♥ 8 ♠ 8 ♣ or 6 ♥ 6 ♠ 6 ♣ 6 ♦.

Note: It is vital to be clear that a set cannot have two cards of an identical suit since the game is played with three packs of cards. E.g.: 9 ♠ 9 ♠ 9♥ is not an acceptable set.
